
Surrealizm, Malarstwo, Dariusz Mierzwa Art Graficom, Fotografia

Witaj na art.graficom.pl ? Świat Surrealizmu Dariusza Witolda Mierzwa

Zapraszam Cię do odkrycia mojej pasji tworzenia sztuki surrealizmu na stronie art.graficom.pl. Jako malarz i fotograf, przenoszę Cię w świat surrealistycznych i metafizycznych dzieł. Zapraszam Cię do eksploracji moich obrazów na płótnie oraz grafik oderwanych od codziennej rzeczywistości. Każdy obraz to podróż do zupełnie innej przestrzeni, którą możesz odkryć każdego dnia. Wybrany obraz możesz zamówić bezpośrednio w moim studio.

Możesz także wysłać mi prywatną wiadomość bezpośrednią lub skorzystać z formularza kontaktowego. Zakup obrazu na płótnie, lub wydruku FinaArt możesz dokonać za pośrednictwem mojego sklepu internetowego Balthasart w Paryżu lub Galerii AvA z siedzibą Dubaju i we Włoszech.

🎨💖 For My Fans and Art Lovers 💖🎨
Art and love have something in common – they connect people beyond time and space. 💞 On this Valentine’s Day, I want to thank you all for your support, inspiration, and the energy you bring into my artistic journey. Your reactions, comments, and presence give wings to my creativity. 🎨 May the love for art, beauty, and life fill your hearts every single day! 💖 I appreciate you all! 💕

#ArtIsLove #ThankYouForBeingHere #ValentinesForEveryone #LoveThroughArt #InspirationEveryDay

🎨💖 For My Fans and Art Lovers 💖🎨
Art and love have something in common – they connect people beyond time and space. 💞 On this Valentine’s Day, I want to thank you all for your support, inspiration, and the energy you bring into my artistic journey. Your reactions, comments, and presence give wings to my creativity. 🎨 May the love for art, beauty, and life fill your hearts every single day! 💖 I appreciate you all! 💕

#ArtIsLove #ThankYouForBeingHere #ValentinesForEveryone #LoveThroughArt #InspirationEveryDay

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Art is the imprint of the soul left in matter – every line, texture, and color tells a story that transcends time.  My digital artworks – limited edition Fine Art prints – now available at the renowned Singulart gallery! 🎨✨

Each print is part of an exclusive collection, blending surreal visions with deep emotions and symbolism.

📍 Discover and collect here:
🔗 SINGULART - Fine Art Prints - https://tiny.pl/n8zyfc41

#FineArtPrints #Singulart #LimitedEditionArt #DigitalArt #Surrealism #EmotionalSouls #ContemporaryArt #ArtCollector #ArtLovers #ExclusiveArt #ArtForSale #ModernArt #SurrealistArtist #CollectArt #VisionaryArt #FineArt #ArtistOnSingulart #ArtGallery #CreativeExpression #timelessart

Art is the imprint of the soul left in matter – every line, texture, and color tells a story that transcends time. My digital artworks – limited edition Fine Art prints – now available at the renowned Singulart gallery! 🎨✨

Each print is part of an exclusive collection, blending surreal visions with deep emotions and symbolism.

📍 Discover and collect here:
🔗 SINGULART - Fine Art Prints - https://tiny.pl/n8zyfc41

#FineArtPrints #Singulart #LimitedEditionArt #DigitalArt #Surrealism #EmotionalSouls #ContemporaryArt #ArtCollector #ArtLovers #ExclusiveArt #ArtForSale #ModernArt #SurrealistArtist #CollectArt #VisionaryArt #FineArt #ArtistOnSingulart #ArtGallery #CreativeExpression #timelessart

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"Emotional Souls" v.7 ✨

Hands as symbols of emotion, empathy, and human fragility—one organic, the other metallic, suspended between connection and transformation. A surreal dialogue of light and shadow, permanence and change. In a world of constant metamorphosis, the soul still searches for its true reflection.

✨ We are emotional souls—fragile yet strong, enduring despite change, always seeking one another. ✨

#EmotionalSouls #SurrealArt #Symbolism #DigitalArt #HumanCondition #LightAndShadow #EmpathyThroughArt #metamorphosis

"Emotional Souls" v.7 ✨

Hands as symbols of emotion, empathy, and human fragility—one organic, the other metallic, suspended between connection and transformation. A surreal dialogue of light and shadow, permanence and change. In a world of constant metamorphosis, the soul still searches for its true reflection.

✨ We are emotional souls—fragile yet strong, enduring despite change, always seeking one another. ✨

#EmotionalSouls #SurrealArt #Symbolism #DigitalArt #HumanCondition #LightAndShadow #EmpathyThroughArt #metamorphosis

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"The Human Faces v.3" – The Fragmentation of Reality in a Human Face
"A human is a mosaic of emotions, fractures, and secrets that will never be fully revealed."

In my latest piece, "The Human Faces v.3", I dive into the metaphysical landscape of the human soul, where identity dissolves into lines, stains, and cracks, unveiling the multidimensionality of emotions and experiences.

The face, raw and piercing in its gaze, emerges from a chaotic background—a creation and a victim of time, thoughts, and memories all at once. Is this a portrait of an individual, or a reflection of humanity itself?

The black and gold textures symbolize the contrast between darkness and light, the internal and the external, the unseen and the visible. The structure of the image resembles a fractured mask, the one we wear every day—cracked, full of lines, yet enduring.

This surrealist study of the human face is like a mirror—everyone can find a piece of themselves within it. What do you see when you look into these eyes?

#TheHumanFaces #Surrealism #DigitalArt #EmotionalExpression #ArtWithDepth

"The Human Faces v.3" – The Fragmentation of Reality in a Human Face
"A human is a mosaic of emotions, fractures, and secrets that will never be fully revealed."

In my latest piece, "The Human Faces v.3", I dive into the metaphysical landscape of the human soul, where identity dissolves into lines, stains, and cracks, unveiling the multidimensionality of emotions and experiences.

The face, raw and piercing in its gaze, emerges from a chaotic background—a creation and a victim of time, thoughts, and memories all at once. Is this a portrait of an individual, or a reflection of humanity itself?

The black and gold textures symbolize the contrast between darkness and light, the internal and the external, the unseen and the visible. The structure of the image resembles a fractured mask, the one we wear every day—cracked, full of lines, yet enduring.

This surrealist study of the human face is like a mirror—everyone can find a piece of themselves within it. What do you see when you look into these eyes?

#TheHumanFaces #Surrealism #DigitalArt #EmotionalExpression #ArtWithDepth

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"The Fractured Echoes of Humanity", A man, hidden in a labyrinth of fractures, becomes a mirror for the wings of time that never cease to flutter 60 x 80 cm, digital paint 🎨✨🕊️ #SurrealArt #DigitalPainting #AbstractArt #Symbolism #ContemporaryArt #TimeAndSpace #HumanityInArt #ArtisticVision #EmotiveArt #WingsOfTime #FineArtDigital #ModernSurrealism #CreativeExpression #MetaphysicalArt #ArtForTheSoul #DigitalSurrealism #ArtCollectors #surrealistexpressionism

"The Fractured Echoes of Humanity", A man, hidden in a labyrinth of fractures, becomes a mirror for the wings of time that never cease to flutter 60 x 80 cm, digital paint 🎨✨🕊️ #SurrealArt #DigitalPainting #AbstractArt #Symbolism #ContemporaryArt #TimeAndSpace #HumanityInArt #ArtisticVision #EmotiveArt #WingsOfTime #FineArtDigital #ModernSurrealism #CreativeExpression #MetaphysicalArt #ArtForTheSoul #DigitalSurrealism #ArtCollectors #surrealistexpressionism ...

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Czytaj dalej Surrealizm, Malarstwo, Dariusz Mierzwa Art Graficom, Fotografia