surrealizm, malarstwo, Dariusz Witold Mierzwa, Art Graficom, malarstwo olejne, malarstwo cyfrowe, metafizyczna sztuka, empatia w sztuce


Surrealizm, Malarstwo, Sztuka Cyfrowa, Dariusz Witold Mierzwa Art Graficom

surrealizm, malarstwo, Dariusz Witold Mierzwa, Art Graficom, malarstwo olejne, malarstwo cyfrowe, metafizyczna sztuka,Witaj w moim artystycznym portfolio. Każdy mój obraz opowiada swoją unikalną historię. Przez lata pracy nad różnorodnymi projektami, zdobywałem doświadczenie w różnych dziedzinach sztuki, od malarstwa sztalugowego, olejnego, akrylowego wzbogacanego o własne techniki, po grafikę komputerową i fotografię. Moje prace są wynikiem pasji, empatii i nieustannego dążenia do doskonałości. Bez względu na medium czy temat, staram się wyrazić swoje pomysły i emocje, tworząc dzieła, które poruszają zmysły i inspirują do refleksji. Opisy mojej twórczości znajdziesz w moich artykułach. Prezentuję poniżej wybrane i uporządkowane tematycznie grupy obrazów, cykli twórczych. Obserwuj mój Instagram i Facebook gdzie publikuję aktualności o mojej twórczości i wystawach.  

Surrealizm Dariusz Witold Mierzwa – ART Graficom – metafizyczny świat

Zapraszam Cię do mojego portfolio, gdzie znajdziesz różnorodne projekty, od klasycznych obrazów olejnych na płótnie po kompozycje cyfrowe.

https://youtube.com/@DariuszMierzwa - If you are interested in art and want to keep up to date with my latest works, I cordially invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel! 🎨✨Don't miss a video, subscribe now and be a part of my artistic journey! #ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #ArtisticExpression #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt

https://youtube.com/@DariuszMierzwa - If you are interested in art and want to keep up to date with my latest works, I cordially invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel! 🎨✨Don`t miss a video, subscribe now and be a part of my artistic journey! #ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #ArtisticExpression #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt ...

"Dreams" (2024) - "Dreams," painting on gesso ground, tempera underpainting, acrylic and oil paint on canvas, 50 x 50 cm -. 
In "Dreams" is the essence of youth and aspiration through the image of a devoted young woman. Half of her face emerges from the canvas, focused and full of determination, while a hand, reminiscent of the famous Sistine Chapel painting, reaches out to her, symbolizing divine connection and transcendence.
In the background is a tranquil landscape with a peaceful lake and mountains, reflecting the inner peace and vast horizon of possibilities that lie before her. The painting is an ode to dreams and goals, sacrifice and effort, and the beauty of the connection between the human and the divine. 
#ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #ArtisticExpression #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt

"Dreams" (2024) - "Dreams," painting on gesso ground, tempera underpainting, acrylic and oil paint on canvas, 50 x 50 cm -.
In "Dreams" is the essence of youth and aspiration through the image of a devoted young woman. Half of her face emerges from the canvas, focused and full of determination, while a hand, reminiscent of the famous Sistine Chapel painting, reaches out to her, symbolizing divine connection and transcendence.
In the background is a tranquil landscape with a peaceful lake and mountains, reflecting the inner peace and vast horizon of possibilities that lie before her. The painting is an ode to dreams and goals, sacrifice and effort, and the beauty of the connection between the human and the divine.
#ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #ArtisticExpression #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt

"Vibrations of Time" oil painting, acrylic, on canvas 60 x 80 cm #ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa https://art.graficom.pl #workinprogress

"Vibrations of Time" oil painting, acrylic, on canvas 60 x 80 cm #ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa https://art.graficom.pl #workinprogress ...

In the dream, the landscape sewed a gown of moonbeams, and the anticipation of the sunrise buzzed like crystal bells in the morning dew. #ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #ArtisticExpression #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt

In the dream, the landscape sewed a gown of moonbeams, and the anticipation of the sunrise buzzed like crystal bells in the morning dew. #ArtInspiration #SurrealArt #ContemporaryPainting #Dreamscape #ArtisticExpression #CanvasCreations #ImaginaryWorlds #AbstractRealities #ColorfulDreams #VisionaryArt #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt ...

"Portrait in a golden frame" 59 x 49 cm oil, canvas on board

"Portrait in a golden frame" 59 x 49 cm oil, canvas on board ...

"Children cry in the rain of bombs" 50 x 50 cm https://art.graficom.pl/stop-the-war-in-the-world/

"Children cry in the rain of bombs" 50 x 50 cm https://art.graficom.pl/stop-the-war-in-the-world/ ...

"Stop the world's war" 50 x 50 cm https://art.graficom.pl/stop-the-war-in-the-world/

"Stop the world`s war" 50 x 50 cm https://art.graficom.pl/stop-the-war-in-the-world/ ...

I have received a distinction and the Luxembourg Art Prize for my work and artistic level for the entire year 2023 confirmed and awarded by the esteemed international selection committee of the Luxembourg Museum. #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt

I have received a distinction and the Luxembourg Art Prize for my work and artistic level for the entire year 2023 confirmed and awarded by the esteemed international selection committee of the Luxembourg Museum. #artgraficom #dariuszmierzwa #graficomart #paint #artpage #art #artist #artwork #instaart #painting #artists #followmyart #follwme #Surrealism #MetaphysicalArt ...

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